Prophater began her journey into the dental profession by adjusting braces as Dr.
Kara McCulloch’s orthodontist assistant in her hometown of Mercer Island, Wash. She
began at TCU in 2020 as a biology student on the Pre-Health, Pre-Dent track. While undergoing TCU’s CORE curriculum, Prophater spent some time outside the lab in a children’s literature class, where
former TCU professor Virginia Hodges, Ph.D., encouraged her to write a book for her
TCU Tooth Fairies project. Prophater received the TCU EPIC (Experimental Projects to Impact the Community) Grant which fueled the project.
The TCU Tooth Fairies project aims to boost oral hygiene awareness and provide resources
to the community. They’ve teamed up with the Mercy Clinic of Fort Worth and local
Fort Worth Independent School District elementary schools to leave a sustainable impact.
Its goal is to empower the community to have the resources they need for stellar oral
TCU’s College of Science & Engineering has been a catalyst in her endeavor.
“The College of Science & Engineering truly lives up to its mission of fostering knowledge
as so many of my professors and advisors have been incredibly helpful in making this
book come to life,” said Prophater. She met illustrator Chie Nguyen when they were both teaching assistants
for Heidi Conrad’s, Ph.D., general chemistry lab, and Laura Luque, Ph.D., translated
the book into Spanish.
She credits TCU alum Dr. Courtney Favaloro, Dr. Matthew Streelman, Dr. Brad Judy,
Dr. Jerold Brazeal, Matt Chumchal, Ph.D., TCU librarians, and TCU EPIC Grant advisers
for their help in reviewing and editing the book and ensuring the content’s usefulness
in educating readers about oral hygiene.
Following graduation, Prophater will be working as an oral surgery assistant in Seattle,
Wash. during a gap year before dental school.
“I have enjoyed meeting so many amazing patients over the years and delivering essential
dental hygiene information to children and parents, ensuring everyone has access to
Learn more about the Pre-Health Professions Institute here.