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College of Science & Engineering


TexasMonthly names TCU's Monnig Meteorite Collection and Gallery as one of eight must-see museums located on college campuses.
Tucked into Sid W. Richardson Physical Sciences Building, one of CSE's buildings on the East Campus, the Monnig contains nearly 3,000 samples from more than 2,300 different meteorites, and the collection is constantly growing. The museum features interactive elements for all ages from narrated videos to touchable samples.
Rhiannon Mayne"Whether you're curious about space, passionate about science, or eager to unlock the secrets of the universe, the Monnig Meteorite Gallery at TCU offers a unique opportunity to explore pieces of our solar system right here in Fort Worth!" says Rhiannon Mayne, Ph.D., Curator of the Oscar E. Monnig Meteorite Collection and Gallery.
The Monnig's mission is to facilitate education in, and advance the current-state of knowledge of, the origins and history of our solar system through public outreach, research, and growth of the collection.
The Gallery is open from 1:00-4:00 pm Monday through Saturday. It is closed for all University holidays.
Read TexasMonthly's feature and learn more about the Monnig Meteorite Collection and Gallery here.

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