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College of Science & Engineering


Barrington Hwang ’14, a Dallas native, graduated from TCU as a triple major on the pre-health track with degrees in chemistry, economics and biology. He also received a Fulbright grant for a yearlong position in Taiwan as an English Teaching Assistantship post-graduation. When he returned to the states, he attended the University of Texas Health at San Antonio Long School of Medicine. Hwang then applied for residency and was placed at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, where he currently works.

photo of Barrington Hwang
Barrington Hwang '14 (courtesy photo)

While at TCU, Hwang, a Chancellor’s Scholar, was very involved on campus. He participated in Frog Camp, TCU Ambassadors, student government, and was a finalist for Mr. TCU - a homecoming court tradition. In terms of academics, Hwang learned a lot about research, and credited the personal advising and mentorship from professors and faculty. “I learned a lot about myself when working with student affairs and in the academically rigorous courses,” Hwang said.

Ron Pitcock, interim dean of John V. Roach Honors College, J. Vaughn and Evelyne H. Wilson Honors Fellow, and Director of Prestigious Scholarships, recommended that Hwang apply for the Fulbright grant and helped him through the process. After receiving the grant, Hwang spent a year in Taiwan, where he met his wife, also serving with the Fulbright grant at that time. Hwang emphasized the value of the year he spent doing something very different from his career plan, and how it benefited him both personally and professionally. “Keep your options open to try something new between undergrad and med school,” Hwang said. “If medical school, or whatever comes next for you, is important, you’ll make it happen. Try to enjoy the time when you are free to explore other interests.”

Recently, Hwang helped create a podcast with the American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal. He assists by editing the audio and creating content for the podcast. He just published an episode, available in both English and Spanish, about a professor’s work with mental health in Peru. Hwang shared several ideas for upcoming episodes, covering topics such as book reviews, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), minority voices, and the effect of climate change on mental health.

In the future, Hwang is open to seeing where his career takes him. He mentioned he would enjoy working with mental health clinics, teaching in the community, or even having his own practice to dedicate time to minority mental health. His interests focus around child and adolescent psychiatry, global mental health, cross-cultural psychiatry, eating disorders, medical education and integrated care.

Hwang shared advice for students following a similar path to his. He emphasized that college is a time for growth, as well as the importance of keeping an open mind to get the most out of the experience. “If your motivation is to help people, there are so many ways to do that,” Hwang said. “Challenge yourself to grow through new experiences.”

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