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Scholars Abroad

“Cultural Routes is an all-encompassing experience in Germany, Switzerland and Italy that resulted in me growing as an individual. We treaded 8-10 miles every day on city streets and up mountain ranges, while pushed to question and compare our own cultural background to our current environment. I saw the most unbelievable sights — from the Neuschwanstein Castle to the Swiss Alps.

We were able to meet, dine and learn from so many of the locals who shared their own cultural experiences, traditions and ways of life that proved so different from ours in America.

Most importantly, I was able to develop a newfound community of 15 other TCU students and two faculty members that will continue throughout my time at TCU and after graduation. Whether visiting a historical site in Berlin or the Uffizi Art Gallery in Florence, somebody had a passion for the knowledge surrounding us and they were able to pass on that passion to others. I will always be grateful for this opportunity to experience these incredible places with incredible individuals, and I believe I will continue to grow from what I learned about both myself, and the lives of others across the globe.”

— Griffin McPherson


“My study abroad experience in Italy was phenomenal and eye-opening. I learned so much about myself and people who are different from me. The convictions I held about other cultures were equally strengthened and altered. This culminating experience increased my awareness of the beauty of different cultures, identities, customs, and beliefs. As a STEM student and aspiring physician, it is salient that I have opportunities like these to push myself out of my comfort zone and adopt a more open-minded perspective.”

— Kennedy Redmon

“I had the opportunity to study abroad in Rwanda. The three weeks I spent there were gratifying. It’s one of the most beautiful and clean places I’ve ever visited, and it taught me so much, from witnessing a live birth and death, to engaging with Rwandan students and healthcare professionals, to cooking and serving food with the Good Samaritan foundation, I can truly say it was an experience of a lifetime.”

— Kayla Thomas


“I studied abroad in Panama and worked with a nonprofit organization called Las Claras: Voces Vitales, an education center that provides resources, education and opportunities for teenage mothers and a daycare center for their children.

My group and I worked on two community projects. Our first project focused on community development. We toured and assessed the community to see what problems could be fixed and what solutions could be implemented. We also helped create posters and decorations for their new daycare facility. Our second project, global awareness, involved us making a video that highlighted the significance of the program and the effect that it has on the participants.

This trip was very life-changing. I got immersed in the Panamanian culture and had the chance to connect with the girls and also interact with their children.”

— Kynnedy Brown


“Working with the children in South Africa was most impactful to me. The one-on-one tutoring was special because I feel like I was able to connect with the students and help them achieve their academic goals.

I believe I changed lives during my stay in South Africa.

I let people know that their journey isn’t over and there is so much more to gain. I helped them understand that they are worthy, despite what anyone else says. I hope that I was able to leave a mark on some of the people’s hearts so they will strive for greatness and continue to help their community.”

– Devieonte Warren