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FAQs about Applying to the TCU Math Grad Program

  • Are applications open?
    • Applications are nearly closed for the 2025-2026 academic year. There is one more open slot that is likely to be filled by one of the applicants who has already submitted.
    • Applications may be submitted again for Fall 2026 admission.
    • Applications have a formal deadline of January 1.
    • We do continue to look at applications after the deadline until all positions are filled, but it is your best bet to submit the application on time.

  • Is financial aid available?
    • PhD students: Yes. Students admitted to the PhD program receive free tuition, a stipend ($29,500 per year, as of the 2025-26 academic year), and 85% of their student health insurance cost paid. PhD applicants desiring financial aid must normally submit by the Fall application deadline (January 1).
    • Students who receive financial aid work either in the Mathematics Clinic (10 hours per week) or teach one class (training and additional guidance from a faculty mentor are provided).
    • MS and MAT students: Students admitted to the Master's program do not receive financial aid from TCU.

  • Can students with only a Bachelors Degree apply to the PhD program?
    • Yes. This is very common.

  • What courses or degrees should a student have before applying?
    • Student applicants should have a B.A. or B.S., with a mathematics major or 24 semester hours of mathematics, including courses in elementary calculus of one and several variables, linear algebra, and at least 8 hours of advanced undergraduate courses in mathematics beyond calculus. At least one of Real Analysis or Abstract Algebra should have been taken at the undergraduate level. Note that having these courses on the transcript does not necessarily guarantee admission; this is just a minimal requirement.
    • It is possible to apply without a mathematics major, but the student must have taken the courses listed above.

  • Can students get a MS degree while being part of the PhD program?
    • Yes. Normally all Ph.D. students obtain an MS degree after two years in the program, before getting the Ph.D.

  • How do I apply?
  • What materials are needed for my application?
    • You need to supply
      • a CV,
      • all transcripts (unofficial, electronic ones are preferred) from all colleges and universities attended [it is recommended that international applicants obtain a transcript evaluation from an evaluation service, but it is not required],
      • GRE General Test scores (highly recommended but not required),
      • personal statement (about your interests and plans and why you are interested in the program),
      • 3 recommendation letters from professors sent directly by them.
      • You should also submit any thesis or research papers if you have done any work like that.

  • I am not able to pay the application fee or pay for taking the GRE. What do I do?
    • The General GRE is highly recommended. If every other item in your admissions materials are superior, then we can consider the application without the GRE score.
    • The Department of Mathematics may be able to pay application fees for outstanding applicants. To apply for the waiver of the fee, you should submit all of your application materials to Dr. Ken Richardson, graduate director, at Also, the recommendation letters should be sent directly to Dr. Richardson. After these materials are evaluated by the committee, we will let you know if you are eligible for a fee waiver.

  • What additional materials are needed for international students?
    • You will also need to submit language test scores if you are an international student. The minimum scores are officially 80 for the TOEFL or 6.5 for the IELTS; it is also possible to get these language requirements waived through an interview process. These can be addressed later in the process of admission; the mathematical parts of the application are the most important parts.
    • On the application, International students will also be asked to submit forms related to getting visas, but those can  be submitted blank. Really, those are only needed later if you are admitted into the program.
    • It is recommended that international applicants obtain a transcript evaluation from an evaluation service, but it is not required.

  • What are the research areas of faculty in the Department of Mathematics?
    • The research fields of the pure mathematics faculty in the TCU Department of Mathematics are
      • Differential Geometry
      • Global Analysis
      • Number Theory
      • K-Theory
      • Operator Algebras
      • Algebraic Geometry
      • Harmonic Analysis
      • p-adic Groups
      • Algebraic Topology
    • If a student is working on a Ph.D. dissertation, it will be within one of the areas listed above.

  • Should prospective students contact faculty members with whom they might work?
    • No. It is not necessary for students to select an advisor in the mathematics faculty before being admitted.
    • It is not likely that a professor will agree to be a student's mentor until after they have already been part of the program and have passed the required exams.
    • However, it is fine for students to email professors and ask them questions.

  • What are the hallmarks of a strong application?
    • It is important that advanced mathematics courses such as Real Analysis and Abstract Algebra are on the transcript, with very good grades.
    • Your recommenders should be professors who can attest to your ability to work independently and to your aptitude for excelling in theoretical mathematics research.
    • Examples of mathematical work written by the student are often helpful.
    • The Quantitative portion of the GRE General Test should be 160 or higher.

  • What is unique about our PhD program?
    • We are a small, pure mathematics program.
    • Our faculty give students lots of individual attention.
    • We prepare our students for working afterward, incorporating professional development and training in coding, data science, pedagogy, all through weekly graduate student seminars.
    • Students interested in doing research in statistics or applied mathematics or mathematics education should choose a different Ph.D. program. 
    • Our students have secured good academic and nonacademic jobs after graduating with Master's and Ph.D. degrees in Mathematics from TCU.