From the President, Matt McLelland '12

Hello everyone,
I hope this Winter Cattle Call finds you all with full bellies and good memories from a great Thanksgiving holiday and thick strands of winter wheat growing stout under your yearling’s feet. Once again, it seems like the year has flown by. With Christmas and the New Year coming up fast, this is no doubt a busy time for everyone. The current students are hard at it learning time management one way or another with field trips, speakers, and new information in the classroom. They are underway with the famous (or infamous) Management Plan and it’s time to start putting everything they’re learning together.
The instructors, between teaching, going on field trips, and making TCU Ranch Managements’ presence known at career fairs/events, have already started interviewing prospective students for next year. I firmly believe it is our job as alumni to keep beating the bushes for the right type of candidates to send their way!
Something I have been sure proud to see as an alumnus this year is the class getting to witness firsthand how involved our alumni are by the several meals and get togethers they have put on and hosted during the field trips. It goes a long way in showing the students they have our support and what a tight knit group we really are. If that is something you would like to help with, or be a part of in the future, please reach out and let us know.
I want to thank everyone involved in this years Ranch Management Tailgate. I wasn’t able to attend, but got reports that it was the biggest and best yet! Now we turn our attention to the annual winter Roundup and business meeting, which will be here before we know it. You can find the information in this Cattle Call and I hope you will make plans to attend!
Once again, thank you all for allowing me to represent you as Alumni President. I am looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Go Frogs!
Matt McLelland '12 (806)778-8679
(reprinted from Cattle Call Winter 2024)