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As part of our fall graduate course, Nutrigenomics, students were tasked with researching a journal article that had been published within the previous 3 months that had to do with nutrigenomics. They critiqued the article and had to learn how to submit a letter to the editor of the journal with their findings. Congratulations, Isabell Franzia, Wallace Ann Whatley, Blayke Anderson and Kate McWilliams! You can read their letter here.

TCU medical students volunteered at the Fort Worth urban garden, Mind Your Garden. Joining them was Dr. Anne VanBeber, advisor for the Culinary Medicine Student Interest Group, and Steven Nunez, owner of Mind Your Garden.Culinary Medicine Students

Read what Dr. VanBeber has to say about anti-inflammatory and Mediterranean diets. Women's World

As part of The Healthy Frog program, a holistic health and wellness program created by the students, for the students, the TCU Dining team hosted a campus-wide allergy-friendly bake-off event last fall where 30 TCU Nutrition students in the Quantity Foods class competed to create the best dessert free from nine of the top allergens to be featured at the NACUFS-awarded Magnolias Zero 7. TCU Dining News

Read what Dr. Hill has to say about food waste and ways we can help prevent it.  CSE Stories

Read what Dr. VanBeber has to say about incorporating beans and legumes into your diet....even if you're on a budget.  US News & World Report

Read how eating plant-based foods pre-surgery can help with inflammation for recovery. US News & World Report

Learn more about our department in our Virtual Open House Presentation

Take probiotics alongside your prescribed antibiotics to reduce damage to your gut microbiome. Read Dr. Marroquin's groundbreaking research published in Journal of Medical Microbiology.

In this video, Dr. VanBeber teaches medical students how to use food as medicine. 

TCU IS awards $20,000 grant for a proposal entitled "The transgenerational effects of diet on gene expression, microbiome, and prevention of Alzheimer's Disease". Principle Investigator is Michael Chumley, PhD. The co-investigators are Gary Boehm, PhD; Matthew Hale, PhD; Jada L. Willis, PhD, RDN, LD, FAND; and Mike Allen, PhD. 

Received the 2021-2022 Texas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Oustanding Education Award. 


Several organizations such as the Student Nutrition and Dietetic Association and Food Recovery Network will host a plasticware and cleaning wipe drive for Union Gospel Mission between October 30 and November 13. The Union Gospel Mission has been providing meals to people who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are in quarantine. Plasticware and wipes are delivered along with the meals, and are a high need for the meal delivery project. For further questions about this drive, please contact Tatum Johnston (

Donations will be collected from boxes placed around campus in the following locations:

  • Front Desks of King and Wright Residence Halls in the Commons 
  • Front Desk of Grand Marc South Tower Apartment Building
    Information Desk on 1st Level of Brown-Lupton University Union

Main Offices of CSE Departments:

  • Biology Department: Winton-Scott Hall Suite 401
  • Chemistry & Biochemistry Department: Sid Richardson Suite 438 
  • Computer Science Department: Tucker Technology Center Suite 341
  • Engineering Department: Tucker Technology Center Suite 201
  • Environmental and Geological Sciences Department: Sid Richardson Suite 244 
  • Mathematics Department: Tucker Technology Center Suite 358
  • Nutrition Department: Annie Richardson Bass Suite 1201
  • Physics and Astronomy Department: Sid Richardson Suite 308 
  • Psychology Department: Winton-Scott Hall Suite 246
  • Ranch Management Department: Winthrop Rockefeller Building 2800 Stadium Drive

Read what Dr. VanBeber has to say about nut butters in this article from People Newspapers. 

Read this article to see how Nutritional Sciences is adapting during the pandemic. 

Dr. Anne VanBeber is quoted in a recent article about how the city of Fort Worth is becoming more focused on healthy living.