Food Management

A major in food management is designed for students who elect to emphasize practical
experience in the food industry and/or management of food service systems. This program
offers a four-year curriculum that combines didactic course work and supervised practical
experience (4 semesters – 16 hours) in the junior and senior years, and an additional
six hours option for supervised practical experience in the senior year. Students
focus on a different application in the food industry for each semester of practical
experience, with “hands-on” training in commercial and institutional food service
systems and management. The food management program requires a minor as well; a minor
in general business is recommended.
Program graduates will be better prepared with the knowledge and skills needed for
the current job market and have a vast selection of career opportunities. Graduates
of this program are eligible for positions in commercial and institutional food service
and management; food production and product development; sales and marketing (food
brokers and equipment vendors); supermarkets and distribution; culinary, restaurants,
and hotel food and beverage hospitality; consumer education (industry representatives
and professional food demonstrators); and/or entrepreneurial ventures (catering, consulting,
and restaurant owners).
Student eligibility for the program includes:
- Minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.7 (based on a 4.0 scale)
- Minimum grade point average of 2.5 in the associated requirements
- Grade of “C” or better in all NTDT courses