Dr. Yuri Strzhemechny will be presenting his research at the Central European Institute of Technology in Brno, Czech Republic and recently also presented his work at the Centro de Química Estrutural in Lisbon, Portugal.
Congratulations to undergraduate Gabriel McCarthy who is first author on a recently published paper in Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering!
Congratulations to undergraduate Danh Pham, whose picture is featured in the APS Division of Biophysics image gallery!
Congratulations to undergraduates Himish Paul, Diya Vashani, and Gabriel McCarthy who were awarded SERC grants for their research projects!
Congratulations to Devansh Kalluholamatham and Anthony Gerg for winning Outstanding Poster awards at the TSAPS Fall meeting!
Congratulations to undergraduate Danh Pham whose research recently made the cover of Luminsecence!
Congratulations to Dr. Magnus Rittby, who is a finalist for TCU's Ferrari award!
Undergraduate Stone Gebhart is part of a team that made it to round 2 of NASA's MITTIC competition!
Congratulations to RAP student Pavan Ahluwahlia who won 1st place in the Engineering: Materials and Bioengineering Senior Division and 1st place from the Office of Naval Research at the Fort Worth Regional Science Fair!
TCU Physics aluma Jacqueline Antwi-Danso is now a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto!
- G. McCarthy and H.M. Dobrovolny, "Determining the best mathematical model for implementation of non-pharmaceutical interventions," 2025 Mathematical Biosciences & Engineering.
- D. A. Johnson, P. Ahluwalia, J. H. Brannon, P. Jodhka, V. Wayman, Z. Rabine, and Y. M. Strzhemechny, "Influence of morphology and surface properties on the antibacterial
action of GaOOH microparticles", 2025 Biointerphases.
- Ugur C. Topkiran, Alina R. Valimukhametova, Diya Vashani, Himish Paul, Abby Dorsky,
Olivia Sottile, Dustin A. Johnson, William Burnett, Jeffery L. Coffer, Giridhar R. Akkaraju, Anton V. Naumov, "Holistic Investigation of Graphene Quantum Dot Endocytosis", 2025 Small.
- Lee, B.; Jablonska, A.; Pham, D.; Sagoo, R.; Gryczynski, Z.; Pham, T.T.; Gryczynski, I, "Luminescence Properties of Hoechst 33258 in Polyvinyl Alcohol Films", 2025 International Journal of Molecular Science.
- Ava Amidei, Hana M Dobrovolny, "Virus-mediated cell fusion of SARS-CoV-2 variants", 2024, Mathematical Biosciences.
- Alina Valimukhametova, Olivia Fannon, Ugur C. Topkiran, Abby Dorsky, Olivia Sottile, Roberto Gonzalez Rodriguez, J L Coffer and Anton Naumov, "Five near-infrared-emissive graphene quantum dots for multiplex bioimaging", 2024, 2D Materials.
- April 5, Dr. Megan Reiter from Rice University will speak about "The Role of Ecology in Star and Planet Formation" at 2:00 pm.
- March 21, Emma Alexander from TCU will speak on "Room temperature phosphorescence: Investigation
into external perturbation of PVA film to enhance spin-orbit coubpling" at 2:00 pm.
- March 8, Dr. Eric Anantua from UT San Antonio will speak on "A Tale of Two Shadows: Emission
Modeling Horizon-Scale Observations of Sgr A* and M87* at 2:00 pm.
- March 1, Dr. Eric Davis from Los Alamos National Laboratory will speak on "Applied Acoustics
Research at LANL: Leveraging Science & Engineering for Critical Applications" at 2:00
- November 17, Dr. Puskar Chapagain from Southern Arkansas University will speak on "Enhancing Physics Learning with Undergraduates: Opportunities and Challenges" at 12:00 pm.
- November 10, Dr. Ping Liu from University of Texas at Arlington will speak on "Magnetic Hardening
in Low-Dimensional Ferromagnets" at 1 pm.
- November 3, April Horton will speak on intergalactic gas clouds at 2:30 pm.
- October 30, Dr. Peter Finkel will speak on "Ferroics and Multiferroics: new routes to ultra-low-field solid state refrigeration and giant energy conversion" at 1 pm.
- September 22, Dr. John Reeks will speak on "Relax, You’re a Physicist (Scientist) You’re more qualified than you think" at 2 pm.