J. V. Sales-Silva, K. Cunha, V. V. Smith, S. Daflon, D. Souto, R. Guerço, A. Queiroz,
C. Chiappini, C. R. Hayes, T. Masseron, Sten Hasselquist, D. Horta, N. Prantzos, M.
Zoccali, C. Allende Prieto, B. Barbuy, R. Beaton, D. Bizyaev, J. G. Fernández-Trincado,
P. M. Frinchaboy, J. A. Holtzman, J. A. Johnson, Henrik Jönsson, S. R. Majewski, D.
Minniti, D. L. Nidever, R. P. Schiavon, M. Schultheis, J. Sobeck, G. S. Stringfellow,
and G. Zasowski, A Perspective on the Milky Way Bulge Bar as Seen from the Neutron-capture Elements
Cerium and Neodymium with APOGEE, The Astrophysical Journal, .
Schiavon, Ricardo P.; Phillips, Siân G.; Myers, Natalie; Horta, Danny; Minniti, Dante;
Allende Prieto, Carlos; Anguiano, Borja; Beaton, Rachael L.; Beers, Timothy C.; Brownstein,
Joel R.; Cohen, Roger E.; Fernández-Trincado, José G.; Frinchaboy, Peter M.; Jönsson,
Henrik; Kisku, Shobhit; Lane, Richard R.; Majewski, Steven R.; Mason, Andrew C.; Mészáros,
Szabolcs; Stringfellow, Guy S, The APOGEE value-added catalogue of Galactic globular cluster stars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, .
Loaiza-Tacuri, V.; Cunha, K.; Souto, D.; Smith, V. V.; Guerço, R.; Chiappini, C.;
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S.; Frinchaboy, P.; Hasselquist, S.; Hayes, C. R.; Holtzman, J. A.; Jönsson, H.; Majewski,
S. R.; Mészáros, S.; Nidever, D. L.; Pinsonneault, M.; Zasowski, G, Chemical abundances of the young inner-disc open cluster NGC 6705 observed by APOGEE:
sodium-rich and not α-enhanced, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, .
Ugur C. Topkiran, Alina R. Valimukhametova, Diya Vashani, Himish Paul, Abby Dorsky,
Olivia Sottile, Dustin A. Johnson, William Burnett, Jeffery L. Coffer, Giridhar R.
Akkaraju, Anton V. Naumov, Holistic Investigation of Graphene Quantum Dot Endocytosis, Small, .