J. V. Sales-Silva, K. Cunha, V. V. Smith, S. Daflon, D. Souto, R. Guerço, A. Queiroz,
C. Chiappini, C. R. Hayes, T. Masseron, Sten Hasselquist, D. Horta, N. Prantzos, M.
Zoccali, C. Allende Prieto, B. Barbuy, R. Beaton, D. Bizyaev, J. G. Fernández-Trincado,
P. M. Frinchaboy, J. A. Holtzman, J. A. Johnson, Henrik Jönsson, S. R. Majewski, D.
Minniti, D. L. Nidever, R. P. Schiavon, M. Schultheis, J. Sobeck, G. S. Stringfellow,
and G. Zasowski, A Perspective on the Milky Way Bulge Bar as Seen from the Neutron-capture Elements
Cerium and Neodymium with APOGEE, The Astrophysical Journal, .
Schiavon, Ricardo P.; Phillips, Siân G.; Myers, Natalie; Horta, Danny; Minniti, Dante;
Allende Prieto, Carlos; Anguiano, Borja; Beaton, Rachael L.; Beers, Timothy C.; Brownstein,
Joel R.; Cohen, Roger E.; Fernández-Trincado, José G.; Frinchaboy, Peter M.; Jönsson,
Henrik; Kisku, Shobhit; Lane, Richard R.; Majewski, Steven R.; Mason, Andrew C.; Mészáros,
Szabolcs; Stringfellow, Guy S, The APOGEE value-added catalogue of Galactic globular cluster stars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, .
Loaiza-Tacuri, V.; Cunha, K.; Souto, D.; Smith, V. V.; Guerço, R.; Chiappini, C.;
Sales-Silva, J. V.; Horta, D.; Allende Prieto, C.; Beaton, R.; Bizyaev, D.; Daflon,
S.; Frinchaboy, P.; Hasselquist, S.; Hayes, C. R.; Holtzman, J. A.; Jönsson, H.; Majewski,
S. R.; Mészáros, S.; Nidever, D. L.; Pinsonneault, M.; Zasowski, G, Chemical abundances of the young inner-disc open cluster NGC 6705 observed by APOGEE:
sodium-rich and not α-enhanced, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, .