Learn about what our faculty explore through physics research!
Despite the fact that ZnO has been a widely and efficiently employed for centuries
as a material of choice in many areas, its new promising applications became apparent
only recently, with the advent of novel growth techniques producing bulk ZnO crystals
of a very high quality. This translated into a high potential for optoelectronics,
spintronics, and high-temperature, high-power microelectronics.
For many of these applications, and especially for the nanoscale-based, the condition
of the surface and the subsurface region is a key performance-defining factor. Because
of the large surface/volume ratio in ZnO nanostructures, device performance is determined
essentially by the surface and near-surface properties. Current understanding of the
relationship between the morphology of the ZnO nanostructures and their defect properties
is still largely incomplete. The nature of the surface and sub-surface defect states
is still ambiguous and only in a small number of studies in the past few years attempts
were made to correlate properties of these states with the morphology of the nanocrystals
themselves on the one hand and on the other hand to modify these states in a controllable
fashion. In our studies we investigate a number of different ZnO systems, for which
studies of surface/interface defect properties of ZnO may yield a significant outcome.
In particular, a distinct class of surface/interface processes of interest for us
is the influence of defects on the optolelectronic phenomena and structural properties
in various ZnO nanostructures. We aim to extend our understanding of the fundamental
mechanisms in such systems and their influence on the valuable applied properties.
Due to its potential optoelectronic applications (lasers and light emitters, planar
waveguide devices, flat panel displays, etc.), the rare earth (Er, Tm, Tb, Dy) doping
of semiconductors, and ZnO in particular, is an important field of study. In such
materials, the shielded 4f levels of the rare earth (RE) ions produce narrow optical
transitions. Despite the fact that the rear earth ions are excellent candidates for
luminescent centers, their matrix environment often limits the luminescence efficiency.
It is important to elucidate the optimum conditions for high-efficiency luminescence
of those materials, and ZnO is one of the most important representatives. In addition,
the rare earth ion dopant can serve as a sensitive probe of the chemistry and structure
of its host. We are interested in addressing numerous problems and unresolved issues
in this area such as difficulties with incorporating the RE ions into the host ZnO
lattice, unknown mechanisms of energy transfer from the matrix to the RE species,
almost unidentified relationship between their structural and optical properties.
There is no clear model of the upconversion transitions in the RE-doped ZnO systems.
Experimental Facilities
Experimental instrumentation available at our lab includes: photoluminescence (PL)
spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and a high-vacuum (HV) analysis/processing multi-chamber
setup. One of the main advantages of this multifunctional HV system is a versatile
combination of in situ processing and characterization tools. It includes remote plasma
treatment simultaneous with resistive annealing and ability to accommodate a number
of subsurface-sensitive and surface-specific spectroscopic probes such as surface
photovoltage (SPV) spectroscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES).
We employ remote plasma as a tool for tailoring surface and sub-surface properties.
Remote plasma processing refers to the arrangement, in which the surface-plasma contact
occurs outside the plasma-generating region. The main advantage of using remote plasma
follows from the fact that the chemically driven changes at the surface occur without
significant temperature variations. This allows a separate control of the temperature
at the surface of a specimen. In our research we demonstrated that well-defined remote-plasma
treatment procedures allow control and qualitative improvement of key performance
parameters of the studied surfaces.
SPV is known for its ability to detect surface states and distinguish their charge
sates and donor- vs. acceptor-like nature. It is based on a vibrating Kevlin probe
positioned near the surface of the sample of interest. Light of a variable frequency
generates transitions from/to the gap states, modifies the population of the surface
states, and induces changes in the surface barrier heights. This translates into the
variation of the surface potential detected by the Kelvin probe. The SPV technique
offers notable advantages: identification of conduction vs. valence band nature of
the deep level transitions and the deep level positions within the band gap; ability
to measure surface defect densities less than 1010 cm-2 as well as their cross sections.
Additional information can be deduced from the SPV transient measurements. The adjacent
AES probe provides surface-specific information about surface stiochiometry and contamination.
Complementary to the in vacuo spectroscopic probes, we have in our lab a multi-purpose
optical bench setup allowing PL and Raman studies in a wide range of temperatures
(6K – 320K), polarizations, and geometries, as well as several laser beams: ultraviolet
and visible continuous wave HeCd and ultraviolet pulsed nitrogen. This facility provides
information about optoelectronic, structural and chemical properties of the studied