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Geology Alumni



In 2006 the department posted some alumni information we had received from gradudates ranging from 1946 to 2006. With various restrictions placed on how we could control the appearance and content of our departmental web site, and with other personal directions, this information was not updated past this time. Lately I have been able to recover the site which was done in obsolete software but cannot recover the text contents. So below I have posted screen grab PNG files of each page. If any of this information is sensitive I will be glad to remove anything that is no longer appropriate - just write me at

1946 to 1949

1952 to 1956

1957 to 1959

1960 to 1968


1978 to 1979

1981 to 1982


1986 to 1989

1990 to 1992

1993 to 1995

1996 to 1997

1998 to 1999

2000 to 2003

2002 to 2006