Courses for Non-Majors

Students from across campus, regardless of their majors, have the option of learning more about the natural world and diversity of life through our five non-majors course offerings.
Contemporary Issues in Biology (Biol 10003)
This two-hour lecture + two-hour laboratory course (per week) introduces students to contemporary issues in biology including medical and environmental topics ranging from alcohol consumption and liver disease, diabetes, breast cancer, mercury in fish, acid rain, and climate change. The course is designed for non-science majors and satisfies the Natural Science core (NSC) lab course requirement. Several sections of the course are offered in both the Fall and Spring semesters. A special section of the course is typically offered in the Spring semester for students from the John V. Roach Honor’s College.
Anatomy and Physiology I (Biol 20204)
This three-hour lecture + two-hour laboratory course (per week) introduces students to the structure and function of cells and tissues, the architectural plan of the human body and the integumentary, skeletal-muscular and nervous systems. The course is designed for Nursing, Health and Fitness and Athletic Training majors. It is also taken by science majors that need Anatomy and Physiology as a prerequisite for application to graduate or professional school. Several sections of the course are offered in both the Fall and Summer semesters.
Anatomy and Physiology II (Biol 20214)
This three-hour lecture + two-hour laboratory course (per week) introduces students to the structure and function of the nervous, circulatory, digestive, respiratory, excretory, reproductive and endocrine systems of the human body. The course is designed for Nursing, Health and Fitness and Athletic Training Majors. It is also taken by science majors that need Anatomy and Physiology as a prerequisite for application to graduate or professional school. Prerequisite Biol 20204 with a grade of C or better and permission of the instructor. Several sections of the course are offered the Spring Semester.
Microbiology of Human Disease (Biol 20234)
This three-hour lecture + two-hour laboratory course (per week) introduces students to microorganisms and the manner in which they affect health; characteristics, growth requirements, methods of transfer, and reactions of the body toward invading organisms and the principles of underlying immunity. The course is designed for Nursing, Nutritional Sciences, and Life Science Education majors. Several sections of the course are offered in the Fall and Spring Semesters.
Natural History (Biol 30613)
This two-hour lecture and one laboratory (per week course) is a survey of some of the diverse habitats and lifeforms on earth, with an emphasis on North American ecosystems. Arctic tundra, forests, swamps, aquatic habitats, deserts, and mountains are considered. The unique adaptations required for associated fauna and flora are discussed in light of the specific challenges they face in the modern world. It is designed for students with broad interests in science, especially Environmental Science and Education majors. It satisfies the University requirements for a Natural Science Core (NSC) lab course. It cannot be applied toward the biology course requirements for a biology major. It is offered during the Fall semester.