Facilities & Equipment

The Biology Department maintains research facilities and equipment to support faculty and student research. All equipment in our Biology Core Lab and Microscopy Core Lab are available for all faculty and students to use. Our faculty embrace a shared equipment policy in which equipment maintained by individual faculty is available for others to use after proper training.
Specialized Facilities | Cellular/Molecular Biology Equipment |
Vivarium | Bead beaters |
Aquatic facility | Sonicators |
Bat flight facility | Maxwell automated DNA/RNA extraction system |
Walk-in cold room | Gene Pulser Xcell electroporation system |
Walk-in environmental chamber | Gel electrophoresis boxes |
High-performance computer cluster | Gel imagers |
NanoDrop Microvolume Spectrophotometer | |
General Equipment | Bioanalyzer |
Autoclaves | Experion On-chip Gel Electrophoresis System |
Dishwashers | Bio-Plex |
Refrigerators | Thermal cyclers |
-20 Freezers | qPCR detection systems |
-80 Freezers | Genetic analyzer |
Liquid nitrogen freezers | Hemocytometers |
Liquid nitrogen dewars | Flow cytometer |
Biosafety cabinets | Automated cell counter |
Chemical fume hoods | |
Variable temperature incubators | Biomolecule/Chemical Analysis Equipment |
Variable temperature incubator shakers | Fast protein liquid chromatography system |
Carbon dioxide incubators | High pressure liquid chromatograph |
Room temperatures centrifuges (for tubes and plates) | Gas chromatograph |
Variable temperature centrifuges | Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer |
Hematocrit tube centrifuge | Vis/Fluorescent spectrophotometer |
Orbital shakers | Mercury analyzer |
Rocking shakers | Plate reader |
Maxi Rotator | Spectrophotometers |
Water baths | Luminometer |
Hot blocks | Solid phase extraction manifold |
Heating plates | pH meters |
Magnetic stir plates | Conductivity/salinity meters |
Paddle blender (Stomacher) | Dissolved oxygen meters |
Speed vacuum concentrator | Fluoride meter |
Single-channel pipettes | Ammonia meter |
Multi-channel pipettes | Nitrite meter |
Repeater pipettes | |
Field Biology Equipment | |
Microscopy and Imaging Equipment | YSI environmental probes |
Light box | Backpack shocker |
Light microscopes | Emergent insect traps |
Light microscope w/ imaging system | Minnow traps |
Dissecting microscopes | Sediment Sieves |
Inverted microscopes | Waders |
Inverted microscope w/ heated stage and imaging system | |
Phase contrast microcope w/ imaging system | Highly-specialized equipment |
Fluorescent microscopes w/ imaging system | Swim flume |
Photostereomicroscope | Optomotor response chamber |
Thermal imaging camera | C-start arena |
Digital cameras | |
High-speed camera |