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Faculty Publications

Giridhar Akkaraju

Giridhar Akkaraju


View Recent Publications
  • Lowder LL, Powell M, Miller SE, Kishton RJ, Kelly CB, Cribb CB, Mastro-Kishton K, Chelvanambi M, Do PT, Govindapur RR, Wardell SE, McDonnell DP, Bartolotti LJ, Akkaraju GR, Frampton AR, Varadarajan S., Mechanistic investigation of site-specific DNA methylating agents targeting breast cancer cells., Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 64:12651-12669., .
  • Pho C,  Frieler M,  Akkaraju GR,  Naumov AV,  Dobrovolny HM., Using mathematical modeling to estimate time-independent cancer chemotherapy efficacy parameters., In Silico Pharmacology 10:2., .
  • Frieler M, Pho C, Lee B, Dobrovolny H, Akkaraju GR, Naumov A., Effects of doxorubicin delivery by nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots on cancer cell growth: Experimental study and mathematical modeling., Nanomaterials 11:140., .
  • Nguyen TL, Akkaraju GR, Coffer JL., Formation of platinum nanocrystals on silicon nanotubes and corresponding anti-cancer activity in vitro., ACS Applied Bio Matter 3, 208-216., .
  • Nguyen TL, Akkaraju GR, Coffer JL, Formation of platinum nanocrystals on silicon nanotubes and corresponding anti-cancer activity in vitro, American Chemical Society Applied Bio Materials 3: 208-216, .
Matt Chumchal

Matt Chumchal

Professor and Director of the Pre-Health Professions Institute

View Recent Publications
  • Drinkwater R, Goodwin A, Cush J, Korstian JM, Chumchal MM, Gerardo Herrera L, Valdez M, Otálora-Ardila A, Flores-Martinez JJ, Clare EL., Molecular diet analysis of the marine fish-eating bat, Myotis vivesi, and potential mercury exposure., Canadian Journal of Zoology 99: 752-759., .
  • Burnham KK, Meyer FK, Burnham JL, Chumchal MM, Johnson JA, Mercury contamination of seabird and sea duck eggs from high Arctic Greenland., Polar Biology 44:1195-1202, .
  • Hannappel MP, Chumchal MM, Drenner RW, Kennedy J, Barst BD, Castellini JM., Mud dauber nests as sources of spiders in mercury monitoring studies., Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 40: 1335-1340., .
  • Becker D, Speer K, Korstian J, Volokhov D, Droke H, Brown A, Baijnauth C, Padgett-Stewart T, Broders H, Plowright R, Rainwater T, Fenton B, Simmons N, Chumchal M., Disentangling interactions between mercury, immunity, and infection in a Neotropical bat community., Journal of Applied Ecology 58:879-889., .
  • Hannappel MP, Chumchal MM, Drenner RW, Kennedy JH, Barst BD, Castellini JM, Nolan AR, Willoughby FM, Trauffler LP., Effect of body size on methyl mercury concentrations in shoreline spiders: Implications for their use as sentinels., Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 40:1149-1154., .
Michael Chumley

Michael Chumley


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  • Brice KN, Hagan CW, Peterman JL, Figg JW, Braden PN, Chumley MJ, Boehm GW., Chronic sleep restriction increases soluble hippocampal Ab-42 and impairs cognitive performance., Physiology & Behavior 226:113128., .
  • Peterman JL, White JD, Calcagno A, Hagen C, Quiring M, Paulhus K, Gurney T, Eimerbrink MJ, Curtis M, Boehm GW, Chumley MJ., Prolonged isolation stress accelerates the onset of Alzheimer's disease-related pathology in 5xFAD mice despite running wheels and environmental enrichment., Behavioural Brain Research 379:112366, .
  • White JD, Urbano CM, Taylor JO, Peterman JL, Cooksey M, Eimerbrink M, Eriksson MD, Cooper BG, Chumley MJ, Boehm GW. , Intraventricular murine Aβ infusion elicits hippocampal inflammation and disrupts the consolidation, but not retrieval, of conditioned fear in C57BL6/J mice., Behavioural Brain Research 378:112303., .
  • Peterman JL, White JD, Calcagno A, Hagen C, Quiring M, Paulhus K, Gurney T, Eimerbrink MJ, Curtis M, Boehm GW, Chumley MJ, Prolonged isolation stress accelerates the onset of Alzheimer's disease-related pathology in 5xFAD mice despite running wheels and environmental enrichment, Behavioural Brain Research 379:112366., .
  • White JD, Urbano CM, Taylor JO, Peterman JL, Cooksey M, Eimerbrink M, Eriksson MD, Cooper BG, Chumley MJ, Boehm GW, Intraventricular murine Aβ infusion elicits hippocampal inflammation and disrupts the consolidation, but not retrieval, of conditioned fear in C57BL6/J mice, Behavioural Brain Research 378:112303., .
Ray Drenner

Ray Drenner

Emeritus Professor

View Recent Publications
  • Chumchal, MM, Drenner RD., Ecological Factors Controlling Insect-Mediated Methylmercury Flux from Aquatic to Terrestrial Ecosystems: Lessons Learned from Experimental Studies in Mesocosms and Ponds., Contaminants and Ecological Subsidies: The Land-Water Interface. JM Kraus, DM Walters and MA Mills, eds. Springer., .
  • Ortega-Rodriguez CL, Chumchal MM, Drenner RW, Kennedy JH, Nowlin WH, Barst BD, Polk DK, Hall MN, Williams EB, Lauck KC, Santa-Rios A, Basu N, Relationship between methyl mercury contamination and proportion of aquatic and terrestrial prey in diets of shoreline spiders, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 38: 2503-2508., .
  • Gerstle CT, Drenner RW, Chumchal MM, Spatial patterns of mercury contamination and associated risk to piscivorous wading birds of the south central United States, Environmental Toxicology Chemistry 38: 160-166., .
  • Chumchal MM, Drenner RW, Hall MN, Polk DK, Williams EB, Ortega-Rodriguez CL, Kennedy JH, Seasonality of dipteran-mediated methyl mercury flux from ponds, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37: 1846-1851. , .
Amanda  Hale

Amanda Hale

Professor & Graduate Program Director

View Recent Publications
  • Hein C, Hale A, and Straw B., Acoustic and genetic approaches for informing population status and trends of migratory tree bats., National Renewable Energy Laboratory Technical Report, NREL/TP-5000-78563., .
  • Chipps AS, Hale AM, Weaver SP, Williams DA., Genetic diversity, population structure, and effective population size in two yellow bat species in South Texas., PeerJ 8:e10348., .
  • Huzzen BE, Hale AM, Bennett VJ., An effective survey method for studying volant species activity and behavior at tall structures, PeerJ 8:e8438, .
  • Chipps AS, Hale AM, Weaver SP, Williams DA., Genetic approaches are necessary to accurately understand bat‐wind turbine impacts., Diversity 12:236., .
  • Chipps AS, Hale AM, Weaver SP, Williams DA, Genetic approaches are necessary to accurately understand bat-wind turbine impacts, Diversity 12: 236., .
Matt Hale

Matt Hale

Associate Professor & Graduate Program Director

View Recent Publications
  • Hale MC, Campbell MA, McKinney GJ., A candidate chromosome inversion in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) identified by population genetic analysis techniques., G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 11:jkab267., .
  • Hale MC, McLaughlin R, Wilson C, Mackereth R, Nichols KM., Differential gene expression associated with behavioral variation in ecotypes of Lake Superior brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)., Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D- Genomics & Proteomics 40:100884., .
  • Blumstein DM, Campbell MA, Hale MC, Sutherland BJG, McKinney GJ, Stott W, Larson WA., Comparative genomic analysis and a novel linkage map for cisco (Coregonus artedi) provide insights into chromosomal evolution and rediploidization across salmonids., G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 10:2863-2878., .
  • Weinstein SY, Thrower FP, Nichols KM, Hale MC, A large-scale chromosomal inversion is not associated with life history development in rainbow trout from Southeast Alaska, PLoS One 14(9): e0223018., .
  • Campbell MA, Hale MC, McKinney GJ, Nichols KM, Pearse DE, Long-term conservation of ohnologs through partial tetrasomy following whole-genome duplication in Salmonidae, G3: Genes,Genomes, Genetics 9: 2017-2028., .
Phil Hartman

Phil Hartman

Emeritus Dean & Professor

View Recent Publications
  • Dennis EJ, Dobosiewicz M, Jin X, Duval L, Hartman PS, Bargmann CI, Vosshall L, A natural variant and engineered mutation in a GPCR promote DEET resistance in C. elegans, Nature 562:119-123., .
John Horner

John Horner

Professor (Retired)

View Recent Publications
  • Carmickle RN, Horner JD, Impact of the specialist herbivore Exyra semicrocea on the carnivorous plant Sarracenia alata: a field experiment testing the effects of tissue loss and diminished prey capture on plant growth, Plant Ecology 220: 553-561., .
  • Darnowski D, Bauer U, Méndez M, Horner J, Płachno B, Prey selection and specialization by carnivorous plants, In: A. M. Ellison and L. Adamec (eds.), Carnivorous Plants: Physiology, ecology, and evolution, Oxford University Press, Oxford, p. 285-293., .
Marlo Jeffries

Marlo Jeffries

Associate Professor and Department Chair

View Recent Publications
  • Snow DD, Chakraborty P, Uralbekov B, Satybaldiev B, Sallach B, Thornton L, Jeffries M, Kolok A, Bartelt-Hunt S., Legacy and current pesticide residues in Syr Darya, Kazakhstan: Contamination status, seasonal variation and preliminary ecological risk assessment., Water Research 184: 116141., .
  • Krzykwa JC, Sellin Jeffries MK., Comparison of behavioral assays for assessing toxicant-induced alterations in neurological function in larval fathead minnows., Chemosphere 257: 126825., .
  • Krzykwa JC, Sellin Jeffries MK., Development of a larval fathead minnow optomotor response assay for assessing visual function., MethodX 7: 100971., .
  • Thornton Hamptom LM, Sellin Jeffries MK, Venables BJ., A practical guide for assessing respiratory burst and phagocytic cell activity in the fathead minnow, an emerging model for immunotoxicity., MethodX 7: 100992., .
  • Thornton Hamptom LM, Martyniuk CJ, Venables BJ, Sellin Jeffries MK., Advancing the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) as a model for immunotoxicity testing: Characterization of the renal transcriptome following Yersinia ruckeri infection., Fish and Shellfish Immunology 103:472-480., .
Shauna McGillivray

Shauna McGillivray

Professor & Associate Department Chair

View Recent Publications
  • Zou L, Evans CR, Do VD, Losefsky QP, Ngo DQ, McGillivray SM., Loss of the ClpXP protease leads to decreased resistance to cell-envelope targeting antimicrobials in Bacillus anthracis Sterne., Frontiers in Microbiology 12:2247., .
  • Reeks JM, Ali I, Moss WJ, Davis E, McGillivray SM, Strzhemechny YM., Microscale ZnO with controllable crystal morphology as a platform to study antibacterial action on Staphylococcus aureus., Biointerphases 16: 031003., .
  • Malmquist JA, Rogan MR, McGillivray SM., Galleria mellonella as an infection model for Bacillus anthracis Sterne, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 9: 360., .
  • Huang Y, Alumasa JN, Callaghan LT, Baugh RS, Rae CD, Keiler KC, McGillivray SM., A small-molecule inhibitor of transtranslation synergistically interacts with cathelicidin antimicrobial peptides to impair survival of Staphylococcus aureus, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 63: e02362-18. , .
  • Claunch KC, Bush M, Evans CR, Malmquist JA, Hale MC, McGillivray SM, ranscriptional profiling of the clpX mutant in Bacillus anthracis reveals regulatory connection with the lrgAB operon, Microbiology 164: 659-669., .
Mikaela Stewart

Mikaela Stewart

Assistant Professor

View Recent Publications
  • Witus SR, Burrell AL, Farrell DP, Kang J, Wang M, Hansen JM, Pravat A, Tuttle LM, Stewart MD, Brzovic PS, Chatterjee C, Zhao W, DiMaio F, Kollman JM, Klevit RE., BRCA1/BARD1 site-specific ubiquitylation of nucleosomal H2A is directed by BARD1., Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 28, 268–277., .
  • Witus SR, Stewart MD, Klevit RE., The BRCA1/BARD1 ubiquitin ligase and its substrates., Biochemical Journal. 478 (18): 3467-3483 (2021), .
  • Pierce SB, Stewart MD, Gulsuner S, Walsh T, Dhall A, Lee MK, McClellan JM, Klevit RE, King MC, Neurodevelopmental consequences of a RING1 mutation disrupting histone H2A ubiquitylation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115: 1558-1563., .
  • Stewart MD, Zelin E, Dhall A, Walsh T, Upadhyay E, Corn JE, Chatterjee C, King MC, Klevit RE, BARD1 is necessary for ubiquitylation of nucleosomal histone H2A and for transcriptional regulation of estrogen metabolism genes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115: 1316-1321., .
Dean Williams

Dean Williams


View Recent Publications
  • Mirkin S, Tucker MR, Williams DA., Predation release of Texas horned lizards (Phrynosoma cornutum) living in small towns., Ecology and Evolution 11:5355-5363., .
  • Finger N, Farleigh K, Bracken JT, Leaché AD, François O, Yang Z, Flouri T, Charran T, Jezkova T, Williams DA, Blair C., Genome-scale data reveal deep lineage divergence and a complex demographic history in the Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) throughout the southwestern and central United States., Genome Biology and Evolution 14:evab260. , .
  • Canavan K, Magengelele NL, ID Paterson, DA Williams, GD Martin., Uncovering the phylogeography of Schinus terebinthifolia in South Africa to guide biological control., AoB PLANTS plab078., .
  • Harms NE, Williams DA, Purcell MF., The role of overseas genetic surveys to potentially accelerate biological control development for a new Hydrilla verticillata introduction in the USA., BioControl 66:271–280., .
  • Chipps AS, Hale AM, Weaver SP, Williams DA., Genetic approaches are necessary to accurately understand bat‐wind turbine impacts., Diversity 12:236., .
Floyd Wormley

Floyd Wormley

Associate Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies

View Recent Publications
  • Wall G, Chaturvedi AK, Wormley Jr. FL, Wiederhold NP, Patterson HP, Lopez-Ribot JL, Screening a repurposing library for inhibitors of multi-drug resistant Candida auris identifies ebselen as a repositionable candidate for antifungal drug development, Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy 62(10): e01084-18., .
  • CR Hole CR, Leopold Wager CM, Campuzano A, Castro-Lopez N, Cai H, Wozniak KL, Wang Y, Wormley Jr. FL, Induction of Memory-like Dendritic Cell Responses in vivo, Nature Communications 10: 2955., .
  • Leopold Wager CM, Hole CR, Campuzano A, Castro-Lopez N, Wozniak KL, Cai H, Wang Y, Wormley Jr. FL, IFN-y immune priming of macrophages in vivo induces prolonged stat1 binding and protection against Cryptococcus neoformans, PLOS Pathogens 14(10):e1007358., .
  • Esher SK, Ost KS, Kohlbrenner MA, Pianalto KM, Telzrow CL, Campuzano A, Nichols CB, Munro C, Wormley Jr. FL, Alspaugh JA, Defects in intracellular trafficking of fungal cell wall synthases lead to aberrant host immune recognition, PLOS Pathogens 14(6): e1007126., .