About 25% of our undergraduate students conduct research with psychology faculty.
Students work under the supervision of a faculty member to learn the principles and
practice of research in the major areas of psychology, including child development,
cognition, social psychology, learning, and behavioral neuroscience. Students may
also work on independent research projects.
You can get involved in research as part of the requirements for an Honors thesis,
for up to 9 hours of psychology course credit, or if they are interested in a general
research experience.
Undergraduate students can apply for research funding through the TCU College of Science
& Engineering Research Center (SERC). Most undergraduates present posters of their
work at the Student Research Symposium (SRS) held on campus each spring.
Students may also present work at regional, national, and international scientific
Graduate Student Research Opportunities
For an MS thesis, graduate students conduct research for about two years under the
guidance of a psychology faculty advisor and a committee. Thesis research projects
focus on questions specific to each faculty member’s research lab.
For a Ph.D. dissertation, graduate students continue research under the guidance of
a psychology faculty advisor and a committee for an additional three years. A student
enrolled in the Ph.D. program has a maximum of 5 years of funding.