Kevin Knight
Professor and Director of the Institute of Behavioral Research
View Recent Publications
- Valdes, R., Boggs, J., Redfield, P., Kijanczuk, K., Fretz, R., Schofield, D., & Knight, K. , An evaluation of an in-prison therapeutic community: Treatment needs and recidivism., Federal Probation Journal, .
- Ruiz-Salas, J.C., de la Casa, L.G., & Papini, M.R., Dimensions of sucrose solutions in the successive negative contrast effect., Learning & Motivation, .
- Guarino, S., Conrad, S.E., & Papini, M.R., Frustrative nonreward: Chemogenetic inactivation of the central amygdala abolishes the effect of reward downshift without affecting alcohol intake., Neurobiology of Learning & Memory, .
- Tauber, S.K., & Witherby, A.E., Do judgments of learning modify older adults' actual learning?, Psychology and Aging, .