Research scientist and co-founder of TCU’s Eos BioAnalytics Summer Mengelkoch led the study in which 79 women and 80 men were recruited and asked to have their photos taken and their blood tested to discover if there is a link between people’s attractiveness and their immune systems.

Journal Publishes Research Results by TCU Biology Professor, Matt Chumchal, Analyzing the Use of Riparian Spiders as Sentinels of Contaminants in Aquatic Ecosystems
February 2, 2022
Matt Chumchal, TCU professor of biology, along with eight coauthors, recently had a paper, "Use of Riparian Spiders as Sentinels of Persistent and Bioavailable Chemical Contaminants in Aquatic Ecosystems: A Review," published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (ET&C), an international scientific journal. The article reviews the use of riparian spiders as sentinels of environmental pollution, and suggests the development of national-scale programs to monitor chemical contaminants in aquatic ecosystems using spiders.